Welcome to mdaemonplugins.com users!

Some time ago I acquired mdaemonplugins.com and I have recently redirected the site to it’s new home here on Everything MDaemon.

I will be migrating content from the original MDaemon Plug-ins site as quickly as possible, feel free to bookmark this category to only see plugins, or read the rest of the blog for other tips, tricks and ideas.

If any authors of a plug-in would like me to remove or update plug-ins, or would like access to maintain your own plug-in, please contact me

To users, please be aware that Everything MDaemon is not responsible for the development or technical support for plug-ins. Plug-ins are not reviewed or tested, and include no warranties implied or explicit.

Welcome, and a little about myself and this site

About me:

Hi! My name is Dave, and I’m a MDaemonaholic. I’ve been an MDaemon user since the late 90s, MDaemon 2.7, or thereabouts.

I became a fan of MDaemon shortly after the first installation and have been running MDaemon ever since.I started out running DomainPOP on a dialup providing an in-house mail server for my family using a single POP3 mailbox and a few aliases, and now run multiple servers, my primary MDaemon server is located in a professional data center with a dedicated 100Mb ethernet connection to the internet, and is serving several hundred active mailboxes and gateways.

In late-2002 I was offered a contractor position by Alt-N Technologies, Ltd, and currently provide my services working remotely from Calgary AB Canada.

Note that this site something I have built on my own personal time, and is not affiliated with Alt-N Technologies, Ltd.

What I hope for this site:

At a minimum, this site will be a way for me to organize my knowledge about MDaemon and related products, and make that information available to the community. My hope is to create a resource useful to the entire MDaemon community.

I hope that at some point there will be multiple active contributors posting anything from tips to technical articles covering software operation to scripts, external plug-ins or other tools that make administrator’s lives easier.

Why WordPress?

Well, in short, it’s the one of the easiest ready-to-roll content management system.

WordPress allows me to present the information in a way that is, I hope, easily accessible by users, and maintainable by me. It’s also a platform with which I have become familiar, and offers a relatively minimal learning curve for both users and contributors alike.

How can I help?

I’d appreciate any feedback or suggestions on how to improve this site, topics you’d like me to cover, or any other suggestions you may have. Either comment here, or use the feedback link in the top-right corner of the site.

If you’d like to contribute your knowledge, I’d love to hear from you too!